Join One Of Our Committees


Personnel & Volunteer Committee

The duties of the Personnel and Volunteer Committee are to recommend to the Board of Directors the staffing level of the Corporation that should be included in the annual budget, review and make recommendations pertaining to the personnel policies and procedures and advise the President regarding personnel matters.   In addition, the Personnel and Volunteer Committee shall oversee volunteer recruitment, selection and acknowledgment.


Development & Marketing Committee

The Development & Marketing Committee will recommend an annual fundraising strategy which may include individual and corporate giving, special events, and planned giving, explore and recommend application for grants from foundations, trusts and governmental agencies. This committee also assists in building community awareness for Camptown, to assist with public relations such as promoting Camptown in the press, writing press releases and keeping database of media contacts up to date.


Finance & Audit Committee

The finance and audit committed is overseen by the board Treasurer.  The duties of the Finance and Audit Committee are to review the proposed annual operating budgets for the Corporation, advise the President and the Chair regarding financial operations, make policy recommendations to the Board of Directors pertaining to financial operations, keep informed regarding the financial condition of the corporation, and make regular reports of such condition to the Board of Directors and complete an annual compliance audit of the organization.


Event Subcommittees

A successful event takes many volunteers working together. Our three major events are Trivia Night, Tom Lehman Memorial Golf Outing, and Annual Dinner & Auction.

Tom Lehman Memorial Golf Tournament

Set up foursomes, set up/clean up day of event, registration, raffle ticket sales, solicit for raffle ticket prizes, bag valet, hole in one witnesses, cooks, servers, beverage cart drivers (must be 21 or older), photographer, run putting contest or course support.

Annual Dinner & Silent Auction

Sell tickets, set up/cleanup the day of the event, registration, solicit for auction items, computer support for data entry, auction data entry, auction item runners, AV tech for program, driver to pick up and drop off entertainer, media promotions, program coordinator, auctioneer, or emcee.

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