21st Annual Tom Lehman Memorial Golf Tournament



 A huge thank you for joining us at the 21st Annual Tom Lehman Memorial Golf Tournament! We had an amazing time, and we hope you did too. Don’t miss our fun recap video on Instagramour event photo album on Facebook, and be sure to follow us to stay updated on all things Camptown.

Thanks to our golfers, we had the largest turnout in over a decade at 118 players and raised $42,000, which is equivalent to supporting a multi-day backpacking trip for 70 teenagers, overnight camping trips for 525 students with disabilities, or Natural Wonders Day Camp days for over 3,000 Camptown Kids! Your generosity fuels our mission to challenge, mentor, and teach youth about life through outdoor adventures. Last year, Camptown served 20% more youth and spent 20% more time with each participant, thanks to your support. We would not be where we are and serving as many kids as we do without you!