A vital element of any successful after school program at Camptown is the daily “check-in” with each student. Before diving into the day’s activities, staff take time to understand how students are feeling, ensuring they are supported and ready to engage. This personalized approach is especially effective in our small cohort settings, where students explore the green spaces surrounding their school, engage in team-building exercises, and discuss relevant topics.

One cherished tradition has emerged within our after school program at Indianapolis Metropolitan High School: gathering at a picnic table in the school’s courtyard before setting off on their adventure or reviewing the curriculum. Here, students are encouraged to share the highs and lows of their day, stories from home, and dreams for the future. It’s a time for openness and connection. One student even shared photos of her pet pigeon, bringing smiles and sparking community building conversation.

These moments at the picnic table are where profound growth often occurs. The discussions provide a safe space for students to talk through family issues and personal challenges. In these candid exchanges, the act of listening often proves more valuable than any structured program. It is in these simple, heartfelt conversations that students find solace, understanding, and the courage to grow.

Camptown is not just guiding youth in outdoor exploration; we are cultivating resilience, empathy, and support, empowering the next generation to navigate their paths with confidence and compassion.